Year 3 Project – Week 10

Today, I completed the first iteration of the bone assembly process. While basic, and it need of refinement, it works essentially as intended. Even then, it is only the first iteration, and changes will most likely need to be made for ease of use. However, for the moment, it is fine as-is.

Unity 5.6.0f3 Personal (64bit) - Menu1.unity - Year3Project - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone _DX11_ 14_06_2017 3_32_30 p.m.Unity 5.6.0f3 Personal (64bit) - Menu1.unity - Year3Project - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone _DX11_ 14_06_2017 3_32_42 p.m.Unity 5.6.0f3 Personal (64bit) - Menu1.unity - Year3Project - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone _DX11_ 14_06_2017 3_33_26 p.m.

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